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Keanu Reeves
The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way. Keanu Reeves
Charles Reade
Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny. Charles Reade
Nancy Davis Reagan
The 6s, of course, was the worst time in the world to try to bring up a child. They were exposed to all these crazy things going Nancy Davis Reagan
Lady Reading
The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone. Lady Reading
Samuel Taliaferro Rayburn
If you want to get along, go along. Samuel Taliaferro Rayburn
Randolph Ray
Kindness is the life’s blood, the elixir of marriage. Kindness makes the difference between passion and caring. Kindness is tend Randolph Ray
John Ray
Though thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul. John Ray
Christopher Reeve
Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean. Christopher Reeve
Diane Ravitch
The person who knows how will always have a job. The person who knows why will always be his boss. Diane Ravitch
Colin Raye
I laugh, I love, I hope, I try I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we’re really not that di Colin Raye
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